Projects are classified according to their status:
Also projects are classified by several themes. The list of the Projects can be printed or exported to MS Word application.
Can browse all projects from database, search projects, print projects' lists and can create an account.
Have simple visitor's access rights and additionally can edit the projects from the database, have access to projects’ change logs, can add new projects, can create reports.
Have an unlimited access to the scoreboard database functions.
The “search tool” helps you to easily find information you are interested in. The “simple search tool” allows you to find projects by one or more keywords.
“Advanced search tool” allows you to find projects by keywords and some filters such as the status of the project, its theme, partners, time-frame etc. The keywords have to be introduced to start the search.
A higher level system user is a Registered User that allows the user to add new projects to the database or make changes to projects that have been already added to the database.
To create an account go to "Create an account" from the menu and fill in the registration form. The email address and the password given in this registration form will be used as the authentication data for the scoreboard database. Enter your valid email address; it will be used in case you forget the password for signing in.
After completing the registration, the Administrator of the “Scoreboard” will receive a message with your data and activate your “new account”. After a successful account validation you will be able to sign in the “Scoreboard” and start using the database.
You will receive a confirmation of your registration message to the email address provided in the registration form.
Only Registered Users and Administrators can add new projects in “Scoreboard”.
To add a new project click "Add a new project" button from the menu and fill in the form. All the fields are required, except "Funding source, budget" and "Comments".
The "Time frame" field contains the implementation period of the project, please indicate the exact start date and end date of the project.
In the field "Project partners (Implementing Institution)" chose the partners involved in your project from the list provided or add a new partner.
If you have a partner which is not mentioned in the list you can added it by click "Add new partner" button and insert the full name and an acronym (e.g. Full Name: European Comission; Acronym: EC). A “new partner” will be included in the list.
To update / change information in the project fields access the "Edit" button on the right side of the page. To save changes use the "Save changes" button.
Only for Registered User and Administrator
The Change Logs function permits to follow the new registrations or modifications introduced by the users of the “Scoreboard”.
Each project from the “Scoreboard” keeps the changes history, you can easily see when (time), where (fields) and by whom (user name) the registrations/modifications were introduced.
With this function Registered Users and Administrators can create reports by several criteria parameters. The results can be printed or exported to MS Word application.
If you have forgotten your account password, use the resetting password function. Fill in the form provided. You have to enter the email address which you have chosen when you registered in the “Scoreboard”. You will receive the next steps for reseting your password by email.
Please read the “Terms and conditions” before using the website.
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This site was developed with support from the European Union. Site content is the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect in any way the views of the European Union
Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova
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