Visitors' Guide

Browse projects

Projects are classified into the following three categories:

Also projects are classified by several themes. The list of the Projects can be printed using the "Print" button.


The “Search" tool helps you to easily find information you are interested in. The “simple search tool” allows you to find projects by one or more keywords.

“Advanced search" tool allows you to find projects by keywords and some filters such as the status of the project, its theme, partners etc.The keywords have to be introduced to start the search.

Terms and conditions


Please read the “Terms and conditions” before using the database.


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Project funded by the European Union

Project implemented by the International Organization for Migration, Mission to Moldova

The project is implemented in partnership with the Government of Republic of Moldova

This site was developed with support from the European Union. Site content is the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect in any way the views of the European Union Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova

© 2024. Mobility Partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova | Terms and Conditions | User Guide | Contact

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