Better managing the mobility of health professionals in the Republic of Moldova

Diaspora consolidation and co-development

From: 2011    To: 2014

1. Strengthening the link of the Moldovan communities abroad with their home-country and promoting co-development projects
Area of action
B. Health workers.

• Data are collected on migration of health personnel in Moldova,
• Potential health worker migrants are better informed about opportunities for legal migration to the EU without the risks of brain waste and assisted in their search of employment.
• Bilateral agreements between Moldova and EU Member States and Moldovan and EU health institutions are promoted in agreement with the WHO Global Code of Practice for International Recruitment of Health Personnel, promoting legal migration, circular migration and return.
• The Moldovan health workers remaining abroad are better informed about the situation in the Moldovan health sector and contribute more actively to health sector improvement initiatives.
• Moldovan health workers abroad are better prepared for reintegration in the Moldovan health system, through distance education and web based information.
• A health workforce plan for Moldova is prepared in order to improve training, deployment and retention of health professionals in areas where there are shortages and to facilitate the reintegration of returnees

Project partners (implementing institution)
European Commission (EC), Moldova (MD)

Contact person
Mrs. Tatiana Paduraru, Consultant, International Relations and External Assistance Division Tel: 373 22 268 853 email: Dr. Silviu Domente
National Professional Officer, Health Systems
WHO Country Office, Republic of Moldova
Tel: (+373 22) 23 37 83
Fax: (+373 22) 23 73 46
email: Dr Ala Nemerenco
Team leader, Human Resources for Health
WHO Country Office in Republic of Moldova
World Health Organization
Sfatul Tarii str. 29, Chisinau, MD-2012
Tel: +373 22 839975 (office) +373 69208728 (mobile)

Funding source, budget
EU contribution
Thematic Programme for Cooperation with Third Countries in the field of Migration and Asylum

2000000 €

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Project funded by the European Union

Project implemented by the International Organization for Migration, Mission to Moldova

The project is implemented in partnership with the Government of Republic of Moldova

This site was developed with support from the European Union. Site content is the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect in any way the views of the European Union Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova

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