Seminar and study visits on detention and reception of foreigners

Consolidation of the National Migration Management System

From: 2008
implemented in the second half of 2008

Illegal migration. 1. Strengthening the institutional capacities of the Moldovan institutions dealing with migration aspects

The project answered the need of equipping Moldova’s migration services with the knowledge about both Polish system of managing migration and about transfer of Polish experiences within the area of steps taken to react on mixed migration flows. The project consisted of 6 day visit of the 8 delegates of Moldova in Poland.
Visits were organized in both reception and detention centres. Each of the above-mentioned components covered the complex attitude towards joint migration flows presented by Polish migration services:
1. reception process of migrants on Polish border;
2. system of registers of foreigners;
3. processes of identification of immigrants which helps to determine immigrants’ adherence to particular category of migrants (particularly of those immigrants that asks for international protection in Poland);
4. procedures concerning granting asylum or other forms of protection in Poland;
5. dealing with vulnerable groups (like women and children);
6. practical attainment of detention system with particular attention being paid to irregular immigrants’ human rights

Project partners (implementing institution)
Poland (PL), Moldova (MD)

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Project funded by the European Union

Project implemented by the International Organization for Migration, Mission to Moldova

The project is implemented in partnership with the Government of Republic of Moldova

This site was developed with support from the European Union. Site content is the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect in any way the views of the European Union Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova

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