Study visits

Consolidation of the National Migration Management System

From: October 2009    To: November 2009

C. Sharing of knowledge and best practices. 1. Strengthening the institutional capacities of the Moldovan institutions dealing with migration aspects

In 2009, IOM organized two experience exchanges to the Czech Republic for Moldovan experts from Ministry of Economy and Trade and National Employment Agency (NEA):

The 1 one concentrated on active employment policies and vocational education system which should lead to improved reintegration mechanisms in Moldova.
The 2 one was provided in close cooperation with Czech Invest Agency for Moldovan experts on investment opportunities and it supported investment environment in the Republic of Moldova and creation of further employment opportunities.

1) Czech experience was then shared locally during 2 trainings in November and December 2009 to employees of National Employment Agency in the regions.
2) Handbook of Czech migration management experience was published and distributed to the governmental counterparts in Moldova. The basic division of the handbook is the migration and its legislation, praxis, border management, documents inspection, illegal migration, and support to the reintegration mechanisms for the returnees, IDPs and the population vulnerable to migration.
3) Based on the NEA needs, IOM assisted with the production of public information at the labor market to National Employment Agency. It consisted both of printed materials, as well as of banners promoting the employment services and their reintegration capacities at the labor market.

Ministry of Interior dept. of Asylum and Migration Policy,
Jana Zacios, Tel. +420 974 832 472, email:

Project partners (implementing institution)
Czech Republic (CZ), Moldova (MD)

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Project funded by the European Union

Project implemented by the International Organization for Migration, Mission to Moldova

The project is implemented in partnership with the Government of Republic of Moldova

This site was developed with support from the European Union. Site content is the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect in any way the views of the European Union Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova

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