Fighting Irregular Migration in Moldova – FIRMM

Cooperation in border management, identity and travel documents, fight against illegal/irregular migration and trafficking in human beings

From: January 2013    To: June 2015

Geographic scope
The project was designed based on the needs expressed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moldova and is being implemented in the framework of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership.

1. Consolidate the operational and analytical capacities of the Central Unit of Analysis and Information under the Bureau of Migration and Asylum to fight illegal migration.
2. Strengthen the relevant central and local authorities’ capacities to detect inland illegal migrants.
3. Increase the capacities of law enforcement and the judiciary to deal with cases related to illegal migrants through a human-rights based approach.
4. The last objective is to facilitate the negotiation of readmission agreements with the countries of origin through the exchange of experience between EU experts and Moldovan negotiators on specific countries and discussing concrete chapters of the readmission agreements and other related issues.

1. The Central Unit of Analysis and Information under the Bureau of Migration and Asylum is operational and functional.
2. The Ministry of Interior's methodologies and tools to detect inland irregular migration and investigate related cases are fine-tuned and put into practice by relevant authorities.
3. Law enforcement agencies and the judiciary are trained on international human rights standards and conventions and are able to use them in practice.
4. The negotiation of readmission agreements with selected third countries are initiated and facilitated.

the National Institute for Justice and the Switzerland Federal Migration Office

Project partners (implementing institution)
Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic (CZ MOI ), Ministry of Interior of Hungary (HU MOI ), Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Moldova (MOI OF RM), Ministry of Interior of Romania (RO MOI), National Institute for Justice (NIJ), Switzerland Federal Migration Office (FOM), International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD)

Contact person
Ms. Diana Hincu, Project Officer
Tel:+373 22 50 26 07
Ms. Ionela Barba, Associate Project Officer
Tel:+373 22 50 26 26
Ms. Jana Zacios, Project Manager
Tel: +43 676 714 62 11

Funding source, budget
European Union, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Switzerland

1200000000 €

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Project funded by the European Union

Project implemented by the International Organization for Migration, Mission to Moldova

The project is implemented in partnership with the Government of Republic of Moldova

This site was developed with support from the European Union. Site content is the sole responsibility of the authors and do not reflect in any way the views of the European Union Supporting the implementation of the migration and development component of the EU-Moldova Mobility Partnership

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova

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